
Saturday, March 04, 2006

Why Do Girls Scouts Sell Cookies at Lent?

A friend of mine asked me that question recently. (For those of you who don't know, Lent is the season for Christians, prior to Easter, when we willingly give up some "extra" in our life or take on some additional burden, for the purpose of reminding ourselves what sacrifice Christ took on for us.) This question was a reminder that often temptation comes from unexpected places. (My favorite Scout cookies would have to be either the Thin Mints or the Coconut Macaroons).

Another friend of mine and I were having a discussion on the opposite end of the equation the same day. We were sharing places where both of us have had disappointments and irritations. But he was able to notice the opportunity for touching lives of other people that he wouldn't have had and finally he said, "Maybe that's the price I had to pay to be able to help them." Sometimes opportunities for blessing come from unexpected places too.

So how 'bout where you live? Will you listen closely to the Spirit that speaks about temptations that sneak in unnoticed? Will you take a moment to examine the chances for blessing that spring out of the places you would normally complain about? "The unexamined life is not worth living." May we take time to be still and hear that still small Voice.

Grace & peace.